1 x Hunter 1 x Dangerous Game Professional Hunter
Observers welcome at US$ 350 per day
Hunters often get “caught” with “surprises” at the end of a safari in Zambia due to reluctant disclosure in certain instances of secondary costs by marketing companies.
Hunting in Zambia is more expensive compared to other African countries such as South Africa and Namibia. There are many attributable factors, but the main components are the short hunting season, Government levies, operational costs due to operating from remote bush camps and transfers into these areas. A Buffalo hunt in Zambia is wild, action packed and 100% free-range.
Daily Rate/Fees US$10 500
Zambia Hunting License Fee US$ 900
Vehicle Transfer (Return) US$ 2 000
Dip & Pack of Trophies US$ 1 900
Cape Buffalo Trophy Fee US$ 4 000
Government Concession Fees US$ 3 500
Buffalo Hunting in Zambia does not get any better than the Zambezi Valley. This area is filled with Big Hard Bossed Cape Buffalo Bulls ready for a fight.
Note: The Buffalo Trophy fee is payable at the end of the hunting safari (On animals killed, wounded or lost)
Cape Buffalo hunts are subject to strict quota and are closely monitored, limited to hunting mature males. This principal ensures that breeding herd strengths are never compromised, ensuring top quality trophies for generations to come.
This Buffalo hunt will take place in the Rufunsa GMA, situated in the lower Zambezi Valley. The concession borders the Zambezi National Park and just across the river is the renowned Chewore Safari Area of Zimbabwe.
Zambia is renowned for its free-range hunting safaris.
Rufunsa GMA is more than 2000 square miles, with vegetation being typical Mopani woodland and thick Jesse bush, perfect for Free- Range Buffalo hunting.
Not only is Rufunsa geared for Cape Buffalo hunts, but the thick vegetation delivers some quality plains game antelope such as Kudu, Bushbuck, Sharpes Grysbok and of course Leopard hunts. Rufunsa in recent years has actually been under hunted, so if a big Tom Leopard is on your list, Rufunsa is the go-to destination in Zambia for a Leopard hunting safari.
With the hunting concession being situated so close to the Zambezi River, as you can expect Hippo and Crocodile hunts are extremely popular. Crocodile hunting safaris in the area have been known to produce monsters at over 16feet. There are thousands of Giant Crocodile in the Zambezi waterways.
On the Zambezi River, catch and release Tiger Fishing safaris are available producing absolute giants. It may be well worth your while to extend the Cape Buffalo hunt and add on a few days for Tiger fishing.
This outfitter has a wealth of dangerous game hunting experience and operates in numerous territories within Zambia. Of course, and as can be expecting when on a safari in Zambia, outfitters hunt free-range game and follow the principals of “fair chase” and ethical hunting.
The hunting areas in addition to Rufunsa GMA include South Luangwa, Bangweulu Swamps and Kafue GMA’s.
Not only does this outfitter focus of African big 5 hunting, but incredibly unique species such as Cookson’s Wildebeest, Defassa Waterbuck, Lichtenstein Hartebeest, Sitatunga and of course the Kafue and Black Lechwe.
The hunting lodge is situated on the banks of the Zambezi River and consists of three newly erected permanent chalets. Each chalet has its own on-suite bathroom with all the modern amenities that can be expected on a quality hunting safari, not only hot water and flushing toilets.
There is a central dining and outdoor entertainment area with phenomenal vies of the river. The lodge is secluded, extremely comfortable and your private chef will prepare African delicacies. Nothing like a Buffalo backstrap grilled over the open coals.
WI-FI is available for hunters needing to be in contact with the outside world.
There are beautiful and large herds of Cape Buffalo in the Rufunsa concession area and Buffalo hunts will be conducted using the classic approach of looking for tracks and following the selected animals on foot. Tracking down your trophy Buffalo will require miles to be covered and you will need to be in relatively good shape.
This track and stalk method will on occasion take you into “the thick stuff” to where the Buffalo bed down in selected areas during the mid-day heat.
On any Buffalo hunt, no matter the destination shot placement is going to be of vital importance. With a Cape Buffalo hunt, as the saying goes it takes one bullet to kill the Buffalo, but a pile more to convince the Buffalo of that fact.
A wounded Buffalo is exceptionally dangerous and all throughout social media during hunting season, we hear of PH’s being critically injured. We will refrain from commenting re some outfitters posting some real poor quality Cape Buffalo hunting imaginary.
The preferred shot will be from the broadside, a third of the way up the shoulder and this will be the shot your dangerous game PH will recommend.
Only a brain shot will halt a charging Buffalo, so make sure you bring “enough gun.”
International hunters will enter Zambia via Lusaka and land at Kennith Kaunda International Airport. A popular route is to fly via Oliver Tambo International Airport in South Africa using airlines such as Airlink which are affordable, on time and have facilities available for transporting firearms.
Included in the Buffalo Hunt quoted cost is return transfers from Kennith Kaunda International by road. This trip will take approximately 5 hours either way. A private charter can be arranged with the outfitter reducing the travelling time to Rufunsa to approximately 40 minutes.
The followed will be a requirements when arranging the Visa into Zambia:
A Yellow fever vaccination certificate is required. Zambia is malaria area and taking precautions are essential. Your local physician will assist, it really is not an issue.
Ensuring you have had a tetanus shot in the last ten years is also recommended, better safe than sorry.
When hunting in Africa, it is always a good idea to ask your medical practitioner for a general antibiotic. One always seems to get a cold, or flu or similar when on long international flights and on a Cape Buffalo hunt, there is not to be a little under the weather.
While this Cape Buffalo hunt is going to keep you busy, there may be some time available to enjoy a few additional hunts in Zambia. The Rufunsa GMA is well known for producing excellent trophies and a few of the main additions are (with additional trophy fee):
Game hunting in Zambia takes place between the months of May to December. May to August would be preferable as these are the cooler months.
Please note that terms, conditions and price are subject to change without notice and rates at the time of the hunt will apply
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